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Usb Tokens Legal Framework (Qualified Signature Generation Provision)

Usb Tokens - Qualified Signature Generation Provision

Qualified Signature Generation Provision or Secure Signature Creation Device, are USB TOKENS devices that provide the ability to generate and store digital certificates in a safe, protected area.

Below is the list of Qualified Signature Generation Provisions which have been verified to work correctly with the public key infrastructure of APED (Hellenic Public Administration Certification Authority - Certificate Issuance Process for Citizens). The list is indicative and identifies the Qualified Signature Generation Provisions that have been tested, i.e. digital certificates have been issued to and received by them.

USB token devices differ from the well-known memory sticks that store files, photos, etc. A USB token device has an integrated "cryptographic" chip, which stores the owner's private keys (recognized digital certificates) with the utmost security. However, a USB flash drive looks like a memory stick, and connects to a computer's (PC, laptop) USB port.

It meets all the requirements (technical, legal), and its use is mandatory based on international standards and legislation for recognized digital signatures that are legally recognized as equivalent to signatures on documents. A Qualified Signature Generation Provision must cover the Evaluation criteria defined in Appendix A of EETT decision 295-63 as published in Official Government Gazette 1730/24-11-2003.

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Thank you very much for your time and for your effort to serve us. It is something very rare nowdays.

-Imports - Exports of Electronic Systems
You are very helpful and you helped us immediately. Thank you very much. We really appreciate it and thank you for your assistance.
-Transports Company
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-Logistics Services Company

Thank you for the excellent cooperation we had regarding the digital signature!!!

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